Welcome to the NYSDOH Quarterly Reporting
Naloxone Dispensing and Public directory Portal.

  All pharmacies in New York State may dispense naloxone through a standing order (non-patient specific prescription). 

Pharmacists/staff in New York State with a standing order for naloxone are required to submit data.

 Quarterly Report Submission  Deadlines:

  January 1
  April 1
  July 1
  October 1

no later than 4 weeks after the end of each quarter

Quarterly Dispensing Template Download

Quarterly Submit/Upload
(Template only)

Yearly Public Directory of Pharmacies Location:

When: one time a year (or sooner, if information changes) will be published to the online directory (insert hyper link to directory), per pharmacy protocol.

Yearly Public Directory of Pharmacies Location Download

Yearly Submit/Upload
(Template only)

Questions: naloxonepharmacy@health.ny.gov